Linda T Hubbard Fine Art Photographs
Great Hollow Juried Painting and Photography Show 2022
Sherman Library Invitational Show: August 26 - October 5, 2022
Click here for info
The Great Hollow Juried Art Show 2022 was both Live May 20 - 22 and Virtual May 20 – June 30, 2022. This is the fifth year of the Great Hollow Juried Art Show and the artists raised over $1500 for the Great Hollow Nature Preserve. The funds came from the artists' participation fees and a portion of the artwork sold. There were also 20 local sponsors who donated over $1700 in prizes and in-kind donations which demonstrates the support of Great Hollow by the local community. The Great Hollow Photographers Club which sponsored the art show, presented a check to Chad Seewagen, Executive Director of Great Hollow, on July 18, 2022.
Seewagen was very appreciative of the check and all the support from the artists. “It was great to have the show back live at Great Hollow this year. We love having our facilities used to showcase artwork. And I loved the addition of the Great Hollow Camp kids’ artwork! And special thanks to all the sponsors! The support from the art show helps us achieve our goals and means a lot to our hard-working staff.” He also thanked the Great Hollow Photographers Club for all their contributions to making this check possible.
The Great Hollow Invitational at the Sherman Library was from August 26 – October 5, 2022, which will feature paintings and photographs by the winners, honorable mentions, and committee members.
Many thanks also to the Great Hollow Photographers Club (GHPC) who have made this show possible. It was a great team effort. Special thanks to Linda T Hubbard, Chair, and John O’Donnell, chief organizer of GHPC plus, team members: Christy Boniauto, Carolyn Cohen, John Foley, Jeff Ginsburg, Justin Goodhart, Mary Jane Magoon, and Masumi O’Donnell, and the Jurors: Sylvia Hierro and Neil Zobler.
Click here to learn about the Winners and Honorable Mentions And Images of the Opening

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